Thursday, January 1, 2015

Daily Workout

Five Minutes To ABS!!! 

Say what??? Planks are one of the easiest ways of getting rock hard abs.
All you have to do is different variations to PLANKS! It is that simple!
While planking, remember to tuck your butt and suck in your gut. Also,
keep your butt and head inline with your back. 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Daily Workout

Legs On Fire!

I do this workout all the time and my legs shake by the end of it! Enjoy!

               30-45 minutes of cycling or running
               20 Jumping Jacks
               20 pistol squats (each leg)
               10 high knees
               10 forward lungs (each leg)
               20 chair squats
               10 high knees
               60 sec. calf raises
               10 jumping jacks
               Hold a wall sit for as long as you can...and then a little longer
               60 second Calf stretch
               10 toe touches

Ugh this was killer!


Daily Workout

Big Booty

              1 minute jog in place
              20 burpees
              20 ass to grass squats
              25 plíe squats
              20 single leg brides (10 each leg)
              25 bridge pulses
              20 pistol squats
              25 squats
              Sit on the floor and place your legs in front of you, keeping the legs straight. Reach towards your toes.

IMPORTANT: When squatting, make sure to thrust hips forward and squeeze your butt every time you stand up.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Healthy Pancakes... Yes please!

Yes... There is a way to make healthy pancakes. I know,  I'm just as excited as you are!

I have 3 different recipes that are similar in ingredients, and you can alter these in any way, shape, or form. The first and third recipes are completly vegan, gluten free, and paleo. The second recipe is vegan.

1st recipe:

  • 1 banana (make sure it has brown spots, that is when it has the most nutrient)
  • 2 eggs
      Blend in a blender and cook on a pan at medium heat. Cook until gold in color.

      BOUNS: instead of syrup to dip pancakes in, try honey!

2nd recipe:

  • 1 banana (make sure it has brown spots, that is when it has the most nutrient)
  • 4 egg whites
  • 1 cup of oats (steel cut oats doesn't work as well)

      Blend in a blender and cook on a pan at medium heat. Cook until gold and brown in color.

      BOUNS: add a couple of chocolate chips or organic coconut shavings for taste!

3rd recipe:

  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup coconut flour
      Blend in a blender and cook on a pan at medium heat. Cook until gold and brown in color.


Daily Workout

Ab Attack

I tired to replicate my ab workouts I do in dance class. Hope you enjoy! Comment if you did it!

warm up:
               90 second knee-high kicks
               50 jumping jacks
               20 sit ups
               10 sit ups in clockwise and counter clockwise circles (each way)
               1 minute elbow plank
               20 sit ups 
               30 crunches
               1 minute elbow leg raised plank (30 seconds each leg)
               40 pulse crunches (legs to table top half way)
               1 minute wall sit (or as long as you can)
               cobra pose
               bridge (if you can)

Important: After doing an ab workout, you must stretch out your stomach! This helps with the soreness of the muscles. 

Important: DO NOT PULL ON THE NECK WHILE DOING A SIT UP! Gently place hands behind head, elbows and fingers spread. DO NOT link figures together.

Here is your inspiration pic!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Intro to My Life

     Yes, this is another blog about fitness and health... I'm Chloe, and have recently been tired of my lifestyle of eating and bad habits, so I decided to change that and bring whoever is reading this along with me.
     I'm a ballerina dancer and was tired of being question ( because of my body and size) if I really was. I was a size 11 in pants and a large or x-large in shirts. Over summer I got my first gym member ship! Yay!!! And constenly did workouts and cleaning eating. I lost 20 pounds! I'm now a size 6 in pants (omg I have never seen that small of a size in my life) and a medium to small in shirts... But even though I lost weight, my body's skin isn't tight and I feel like I have barely any muscles in my upper body. I feel saggy and gross sometimes.
     I think over summer, I was just focused on getting the ballerina body and being skinny. But, I was never realistic. That is one of the key points I want to stress. Know you body and be real with yourself. 
     Today, I know my body. Since my bone structure is big, I won't ever look like a model's or be like the average ballerina, I only want to be as FIT and TONED and HEALTHY as I can.
xo -